News archive - EU Competitiveness Council Adopts Conclusions


The Competitiveness Council, which is made up of Ministers from Member States and covers the Internal Market, Industry and Research, recently adopted conclusions on a wide range of key issues. The first of these was the new ‘Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era’, which was discussed alongside the Competitiveness Report for 2010. Future steps agreed included the development of synergies between industrial policy and other EU initiatives, the simplification of financing and the promotion of clusters of innovation.

Other items for debate included the Innovation Union flagship initiative and Joint Programming for Research. On the former, it was agreed that Member States should adopt a strategic and integrated approach to innovation, with a strengthened ‘knowledge triangle’ and adequate measures to achieve the European Research Area aims. The need to maximise the impact and efficiency of resources by tackling fragmentation was also highlighted, and there was a call for the increased mobilisation of Structural Funds to support research and innovation.  In discussion of Joint Programming, the Council welcomed the 2010 voluntary guidelines for Framework Conditions on Joint Programming and invited Member States to define the role of Joint Programming in delivering the Europe 2020 Strategy, to avoid overlap with the new European Innovation Partnerships.

Full details of the issue discussed and the Conclusions are available at:


Source: UKRO Newsletter, January 2011.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on January 13, 2011
Modified on January 13, 2011