News archive - New Publication: "INCO-NET Projects: Supporting International Science and Technology Cooperation with Major Regions of the World"

The European Commission launched a booklet on the main activities of the ongoing INCO-NET projects.

Within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research one main activity of International Cooperation is the bi-regional coordination of S&T cooperation, including priority setting and the support of the S&T policy dialogue, the so-called INCO-NET projects.

These projects cover different regions of the world, i.e. Western Balkan Countries, Mediterranean Partner Countries, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, South East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.

The European Commission has now launched a booklet with the title "INCO-NET Projects: Supporting International Science and Technology Cooperation with Major Regions of the World" that presents an overview over the ongoing activities of the first six INCO-NET projects.

The document is available on our website:


Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on July 29, 2008
Modified on July 29, 2008