News archive - Research Grants in Austria - Start Preparing Your Application

Did you ever consider spending some time abroad to do research, persue a PhD programme or to hold lectures at a university in another country? WBC-INCO.NET has conprehensive information on grants for WBC students and scholars available in its recently updated WBC-INCO.NET Scholarship Database.

For research visits to Austria, for example, the Ernst Mach Grant is the most frequently used scholarship. Participation from Western Balkan countries is still low, while the success rate for applicants in Bulgaria is the highest worldwide. Participation of researchers from the WB region is therefore encouraged.

Taking into consideration the time needed for the preparation of excellent applications, preparation should start in time in order to meet the next deadline for applications (September 1, 2009).

Some details and requirements:

  • Duration: 1 to 9 months
  • Grant benefit paid:
  • Monthly grant rate a) for graduates: € 940.- / b) for graduates over 30 years with a PhD degree: € 1040.--
  • Recipients of grants are exempted from paying tuition fees.
  • Eligible for application are:
  • a) postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD programme outside Austria;
  • b) postgraduates and post-docs wishing to pursue research in Austria with a view to an academic career and who completed their studies (at a university outside Austria) after September 30th, 2007;
  • c) post-docs who are working as lecturers at a university outside Austria.
  • Maximum age: 35 years (born on or after Oct. 1st, 1973).
  • Good knowledge of German, particularly in the respective subject area, is a prerequisite. For projects to be carried out in English a good knowledge of English in the respective subject area is required. Proof of proficiency in German or English can be attached to the application.
  • Elegibility:
  • YES - Nationals of SEE states, Post-graduates and PHD holders
  • Field(s) of Research: Agriculture and Forestry , Economics , Fine Arts , Humanities and Theology , Law , Medicine , Natural sciences , Social sciences , Technical Sciences , Veterinary Medicine

For further information see:;

ASO Sofia - Zlatka Pandeva, Martin Felix Gajdusek,

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 13, 2009
Modified on May 14, 2009