News archive - Event Announcement: Workshop "Non-Technical Innovations - Definition, Measurement and Policy Implications"

Date and location: October 16-17, 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany

Increasing the innovation power of countries, regions and firms is one of the most important goals of policy makers. Innovation is seen as the backbone of the competitive capability and economic growth of economies. In order to manage and influence the innovation capability policy makers need reliable data on innovation taking place in universities, research institutes and firms. It is therefor crucial to have adequate indicators and monitoring instruments for measuring innovation.

Current innovation measurement instruments, only have started to integrate the non-technical side of innovation.  Research and knowledge on non-technical types of innovation is still in early stages. Hence, the workshop aims at contributing to achieve a better understanding of non-technical innovations by discussing adequate measurement concepts and analysing their relevance for firms' and economies' performance outcomes, in order to derive implications for innovation policy and research. The workshop will bring together researchers and policy makers with special expertise in the area of organisational and service innovations.

Further details:

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 12, 2008
Modified on August 12, 2008