News archive - Call for Applicants: Marie Curie Postdoctoral and PhD Researcher Positions in Cloud Computing
SEERC invites applications for one postdoctoral and two PhD researcher positions in the frame of the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network RELATE - Trans-European Research Training Network on Engineering and Provisioning of Service Based Cloud Applications (
Closing date: May 31, 2011.
The RELATE ITN offers early-stage researchers who are in the first five years of their careers and are interested in cloud computing the opportunity to join established research teams, improve their research skills and enhance their career prospects. Through specialised training modules and dedicated actions (workshops, seminars, summer schools) the research fellows to be recruited by the partners of the RELATE network will be exposed to a range of technologies, platforms and tools related to the field of cloud computing, but will also obtain skills and competences in important topics such as research management, intellectual property rights, and exploitation of research results.
Marie Curie Experienced Researcher / Postdoctoral Position
The post holder (RELATE ER#2) will conduct research in the area of quality management in service-based systems and cloud applications. The duration of the post is 2 years, starting September 2011 (or later). Research activities will be carried out at the premises of SEERC, in Thessaloniki, Greece, but in close collaboration with other researchers from the RELATE network as well as researchers from the University of Sheffield – the Computer Science Departments of the Faculty of Engineering and the International Faculty (City College). The post includes two research visits to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and CAS Software AG in Karlsruhe, Germany for a total period of 6 months.
Candidate profile:
Applicants should already be in possession of, or close to obtaining, a doctoral degree in Computer Science or a closely related area. Previous research experience in the fields of service-oriented computing, cloud computing, quality of service, or software quality management will be evaluated positively. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
The post holder is expected to have an outstanding research record, be highly motivated and proactive, have excellent organisation and communication skills, and be eager to disseminate research results by preparing journal articles and papers and presenting at international conferences and seminars. Fluency in English is a prerequisite.
Duration of posts: The post is fixed-term for 24 months starting September 2011.
Terms and conditions of employment: Will be those for Experienced Researchers under Marie Curie rules.
Salary: 41,840 € per annum (gross estimate before deduction of taxes and employee's insurance contributions under current Greek regulations). The post holder will additionally receive mobility, travel, and career exploratory allowances as per Marie Curie ITN rules.
Closing date: 31 May 2011.
Further information:
For additional information, including eligibility criteria and application submission instructions, please refer to the full job description:
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher / PhD Candidate Positions (2 posts)
The particular posts are concerned with research in the areas of:
evolution, change, and interoperability in service-based systems and cloud applications (RELATE ESR#7, post starting September 2011)
formal modelling and verification of web service behavior (RELATE ESR#6, post starting December 2011)
For a period of 36 months the post holders will be employed by SEERC in Thessaloniki, Greece, under full-time fixed-term contracts with full social security coverage and all benefits in accordance to Marie Curie ITN fellowship regulations for Early Stage Researchers (living, mobility, travel, and career exploratory allowances). In addition, the persons to be appointed will register to read for a PhD degree in Computer Science of the University of Sheffield through the Doctoral Programme of SEERC.
Research activities will be carried out at the premises of SEERC, in Thessaloniki, Greece, but in close collaboration with other researchers from the RELATE network as well as researchers from the University of Sheffield – the Computer Science Departments at the Faculty of Engineering and the International Faculty (City College). The first post (ESR#7) includes two research visits to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and CAS Software AG in Karlsruhe, Germany for a total period of 6 months. The second post (ESR#6) includes research visits to King’s College London and CAS Software AG for a total period of 4 months.
Candidate profile:
Applicants should hold a good first degree in Computer Science or a closely related area, as well as a good postgraduate degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or relevant. Previous project experience in the fields of cloud computing or service-oriented computing will be evaluated positively. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
The post holders are expected to have an excellent academic record, be highly motivated and proactive, have excellent organisation and communication skills, and be eager to disseminate research results by preparing journal articles and papers, and presenting at international conferences and seminars. Fluency in English is a prerequisite (an IELTS point score of 6.5 or above is required).
Duration of posts: The posts are fixed-term for 36 months starting September 2011 (ESR#7), and December 2011 (ESR#6).
Terms and conditions of employment: Will be those for Early Stage Researchers under Marie Curie rules.
Salary: 27,225 € per annum (gross estimate before deduction of taxes and employee's insurance contributions under current Greek regulations). The post holder will additionally receive mobility, travel, and career exploratory allowances as per Marie Curie ITN rules.
Closing dates: 31 May 2011 (ESR#7), 31 August 2011 (ESR#6)
Further information:
For additional information, including eligibility criteria and application submission instructions please refer to the full job descriptions:
- International; Other
Entry created by Christina Miariti on May 30, 2011
Modified on April 21, 2011