News archive - FP7 Research Infrastructures: Call for support for policy development and programme implementation

The topic INFRA-2007-3.3 (call FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-2) is open for proposals in the field of "Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development, including international cooperation, for eInfrastructures" also targets international cooperation. Deadline for the call is September 20, 2007.

The workprogramme states that "Measures will aim at encouraging the coordination between National and pan-European e-Infrastructure initiatives, namely through the support of policy oriented groups such as the e-IRG. Support would also be given to specific studies and conferences on e-Infrastructure related topics, complementing and paving the way to improved multidisciplinary ICTbased infrastructures. Furthermore this action would promote international interoperation between similar infrastructures with the aim of reinforcing the global relevance and impact of European e-Infrastructures."

Support measures are expected to help the development of a European policy for research infrastructures and to address specific needs for international cooperation in this field, thus achieving critical mass and driving global policies.

This topic is part of the call FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-2
Date of publication: 19 June 2007
Deadline: 20 September 2007 at 17.00, Brussels local time

14 million euro are available for this topic.

Please find the call text attached, more information is available on CORDIS.

Further topic addressed in this Call: eScience Grid infrastructures.


Entry created by Elke Dall on June 22, 2007
Modified on June 25, 2007