News archive - FP6-INCO project with focus on Western Balkans
In FP6 among other projects from the region, a project with the acronyme WEB-ENV focusing on enviromental guidelines for the region of Western Balkans was proposed.
The main objective of WEB-ENV project was the development of general environmental guidelines concerning the region of Western Balkan Countries, with a particular focus on water resources, renewable energy and use of recycled materials. These guidelines could be useful for the management of major environmental problems and natural resources as well.
To achieve that the following measures were implemented:
- Extended mapping exercise to identify the problems
- Development of evaluation criteria permitting the selection of the most significant problems, taking into account the socio-economic and human health impacts
- Assessment of innovative low-cost remediation technologies
- Review of the existing legislation A consortium composed by CERTH (coordinator) and 5 other partners from the academic community representing 4 from the 5 countries of the region assures an adequate regional participation.
Futher information about the project are avilable on:
Entry created by Elke Dall on September 15, 2008
Modified on September 15, 2008