News archive - [Call Announcement] Call for Proposals 2012 for Actions Under The Programme “Intelligent Energy – Europe”
The Intelligent Energy - Europe II Programme in particular contributes to the EU Energy 2020 Strategy, and facilitates the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Plan 2011 and of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. The objective of the IEE II is to contribute to secure, sustainable and competitively priced energy for Europe, by providing for action:
- to foster energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources;
- to promote new and renewable energy sources and to support energy diversification;
- to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport.
Funding projects that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy is at the heart of the IEE programme. From Western Balkan Countries, only public or private organisation established in Croatia or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia can participate in a project proposal. The call 2012 was published on 20 December 2011 with a deadline for the submission of proposals of 8 May 2012, 17:00 CET.
Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area:
Call for Proposals 2012 for Actions Under The Programme “Intellıgent Energy – Europe”
Information on funding
FP7 Cooperation
Call identifier:
Budget for the call:
EUR 67 million
Publication Date:
20/12/2011 09:00
08/05/2012 17:00
Short introduction to the programme / what is it about? How may WBC participate?:
The objective of the Intelligent Energy - Europe II Programme (“IEE II”) is to contribute to secure, sustainable and competitively priced energy for Europe, by providing for action:
- to foster energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources;
- to promote new and renewable energy sources and to support energy diversification;
- to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport.
The Programme in particular contributes to the EU Energy 2020 Strategy, and facilitates the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Plan 2011 and of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
Intelligent Energy - Europe covers action in the following fields:
Energy efficiency and rational use of energy resources (SAVE), including:
- improving energy efficiency and the rational use of energy, in particular in the building and industry sectors;
- supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures.
New and renewable energy resources (ALTENER), including:
- promoting new and renewable energy sources for centralised and decentralised production of electricity, heat and cooling, and thus supporting the diversification of energy sources;
- integrating new and renewable energy sources into the local environment and the energy systems;
- supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures.
Energy in transport (STEER) to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energies sources in transport, including
- supporting initiatives relating to all energy aspects of transport and the diversification of fuels;
- promoting renewable fuels and energy efficiency in transport;
- supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures.
WBC Participations
All applicants must be legal entities, whether public or private, established in the territory of Croatia, or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):
- Any public or private organisation established in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia can participate in a project proposal.
- Proposals must involve in general at least three partners from different countries.
- The proposal must prove the financial and technical capacity of the applicants to implement the project.
- The proposal needs to take the overall objectives of the IEE programme and the priorities of that specific call into account and explain how these will be implemented.
- High quality description of the activities to be carried out.
- The project must have a wide and lasting impact on Europe's energy situation. It needs to make a significant contribution to the implementation of the EU's policy objectives regarding clean and secure energy.
- Think about and explain the EU added-value of your project - what are the benefits of implementing the project on a EU level? The transnational dimension is crucial.
- Well thought and planned allocation of resources.
- 'Hardware' investments or research and development projects are not eligible for funding. If you are looking for funding for a project still in the research phase go to the EU's Framework programme for research.
Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.):
For further information, please click here.
Contact/additional support (e.g. Helpdesk, contact to NCPs in your country, partnering websites if available, further related links, etc.):
For further information contact or your national contact point.
- Croatia
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Western Balkans
- Engineering and Technology
Entry created by Filiz Hayirli on January 24, 2012
Modified on July 5, 2012