News archive - Bosnia and Herzegovina joins EUREKA

The EUREKA XXIV Ministerial Conference in Lisbon, Portugal on 19 June 2009 confirmed the affiliation of two new countries to the network. They are Bosnia and Herzegovina, which joins EUREKA as a National Information Point (NIP) - a transitional status that should lead to full membership in a few years - and South Korea, which joins as an Associate Country.

The Ministerial Conference which took place on June 19, 2009, welcomed Bosnia and Herzegovina, the new EUREKA National Information Point country, represented by Mr. Senad Sepić, Vice-Minister of Civil Affairs. The Conference encouraged Bosnia and Herzegovina to contribute actively to the network.

EUREKA was created as an intergovernmental initiative in 1985. It aims to enhance European competitiveness through its support to businesses, research centres and universities that carry out pan-European projects to develop innovative products, processes and services. Currently, around 40 countries are involved in the EUREKA network.


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Entry created by Elke Dall on July 10, 2009
Modified on July 10, 2009