News archive - [Event Announcement]: Conference: ‘The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe’ to take place in Gotenburg

The importance of a well-functioning knowledge triangle in the form of interaction between education, research and innovation has been emphasised by EU leaders since 2006. During its Presidency of the EU, Sweden wants to contribute to this process by raising the issue of how better coordination can be achieved between the different sides of the knowledge triangle, focusing in particular on the role of education. This is the aim of the conference ‘The Knowledge Triangle Shaping the Future of Europe’, to take place i n the framework of the Swedish Presidency of the EU in Gotenborg/Sweden from August 31 to September 2, 2009...

Target groups include decision-makers at European agencies in higher education as well as R&D politicians, business representatives and human resources representatives in the academic world.

To download the programme, please go to:, as accessed on June 30, 2009.

Further information is available at:, as acccessed on July 9, 2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 9, 2009
Modified on July 9, 2009