News archive - [Event Announcement] Working together to Strengthen Research in Europe Conference

The European Commission is organising a major policy conference on October 21-23 in Brussels in order to discuss and further elaborate a number of important questions relating to the European Research Area (ERA) as well as to develop ideas to further extend and focus the ERA policy agenda post-2010. The title of the conference "Working together to Strengthen Research in Europe", reflects a new phase in EU research policy based on a Partnership between Member States and the Commission, involving all stakeholders...

The Partnership was inaugurated by the Council of Ministers last May when the "Ljubljana Process" for ERA governance was launched. Last December, Council also endorsed the "2020 Vision for the ERA" .

The conference will involve a broad range of research stakeholders who are engaged in high-level policy making and strategy development and who are playing a significant representative and multiplier role vis-a-vis the stakeholder communities they represent. A short note setting out the aims of the conference and the focus of the different sessions is attached herewith.

Source:,  as accessed on July 9, 2009.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 9, 2009
Modified on July 9, 2009