News archive - [Event Announcement] ResPotNet Info Day and brokerage event in Brussels

The Research potential national contact points network, the ResPotNet Project is organizing on September the 22nd an Info Day (in the morning) and Brokerage Event (in the afternoon) for all stakeholders interested in the regional FP7 Programme to receive information about the forthcoming calls 2012 and to meet other relevant stakeholders. There will also be the opportunity to request specific information to the Regional NCPs. 

During the event, the presentation of the priorities for regional innovation strategies and an overview of 2012 calls will be done by Dimitri Corpakis, Head of Unit Regional Dimension of Innovation, DG R&I, and the EC staff. Profiles of successful organizations funded by RegPot will be disseminated as well. A networking lunch will conclude the Info Day.

Further Information:

Source: Internet

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Gorazd Weiss on July 30, 2011
Modified on August 4, 2011