News archive - September 25, 2009: 5th Edition of Researchers' Night to be Held in 31 European Countries

Mark your calendars: the 5th edition of Researchers' night will be held on 25 September 2009 in 31 European countries. A series of public events will bridge the gap between researchers and the public, allowing the latter to see the 'human side' of researchers. When Researchers' night started in 2005 only 15 countries participated and around 20 000 people attended. Last year 27 countries held events and more than 350 000 people took part. An even bigger crowd is expected this year.

Discovery, exchange and entertainment

Hands on experiments, interactive demos, guided visits of labs, "play scientists for a night", quizzes, rallies, enigmas, criminal scientific investigations - these are just some of the activities that will be organised in over 200 cities all throughout Europe.

All fields of research are involved, and many original activities mix up science and literature, science and painting, science and theatre, science and poetry, allowing researchers to show all the facets of their talents so the general public can see what researchers do outside the lab.

Further information will be published when available.

Source:, as accessedon July 23, 2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 23, 2009
Modified on July 24, 2009