News archive - Slovenia Presents Priorities in HE at the European Parliament

On January 21, 2008, Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Ms Mojca Kucler Dolinar gave a presentation in her capacity as current President of the Council of the European Union at the European Parliament. She outlined the higher education priorities of the Slovenian Presidency. The integration of the Western Balkan countries in general and in the Erasmus Mundus II programme in particular are on the agenda.

In general, she highlighted the ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty but also four further areas which special attention will be devoted to:
- the energy and climate package,
- the reformed Lisbon Strategy,
- the closer integration of the Western Balkan countries and
- intercultural dialogue.

A focus will be on new management practices in universities; Slovenia will organise an event where representatives of university rectorship conferences can exchange opinions on the competence of European universities to assume new tasks and on the need for professionalisation of administrative and managerial posts at universities on June 12-13, 2008. At the meeting, research into the management of higher education systems and of universities as well as the most recent reforms in EU Member States will be presented. Alongside the presentation of examples of emerging new models of management practices at universities, there will be the opportunity for meeting participants to discuss the need for the professionalisation of administrative and managerial tasks and to find out about examples of good practice in developing various methods of training executive and managerial staff.
Slovenia's Presidency will also devote itself to furthering the Bologna Process, with special emphasis on introducing lifelong learning in higher education and on the modernisation of universities to promote European competitiveness in the worldwide knowledge economy.
A “Universities and Lifelong Learning” Conference will take place from March 10-11, 2008 to examine different concepts of lifelong learning in higher education, to find their common basis, to exchange good practices with regard to the organisation and practical implementation of lifelong learning and to specify points where lifelong learning is integrated into the National Qualifications Framework.


The Minister also highlighted the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, presenting a practical contribution, “which will leave a permanent mark on the Euro-Mediterranean region”, a region of great importance for Europe. She explained that Slovenia wished to establish “a Euro-Mediterranean University with its seat in Slovenia. With joint study programmes, research projects and exchange of professors and students, this institution could link several universities from this region and contribute to the recognition of a single Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.”


The Slovenian Presidency will pay special attention to examining the Erasmus Mundus II dossier. This is a new generation of the programme, providing for academic staff and student mobility activities to be continued and extended. “The European Union's aim is to make the programme a flagship of cooperation with non-EU countries in the field of higher education,” said Mrs Kucler Dolinar. As this is a matter to be adopted under the codecision procedure between the European Parliament and the Council, the Minister invited the Members of the European Parliament to engage in an active dialogue with a view to adopting a decision at the earliest possible opportunity, thus enabling the programme to start on time.
She particularly stressed the possibility of the countries of the Western Balkans participating on an equal footing.


The Minister will address the priority tasks in the field of science, technology and information society in her presentation to the EP Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) in the European Parliament on 24 January 2008.


Source: Link to the address by the Minister, Ms Mojca Kucler Dolinar, to the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) on January 21, 2008 in Brussels Press Release on the event by the Slovenian Presidency


Entry created by Elke Dall on January 23, 2008
Modified on January 23, 2008