News archive - CREST Working Group Publishes Second Report on Internationalisation of S&T

The CREST Working Group on “Internationalisation of R&D - Facing the Challenge of Globalisation: Approaches to a Proactive International Policy in S&T” has finalised its work in the end of 2008.

The aim of the working group, comprising all 27 EU countries as well as the countries associated to FP7, was to analyse the approaches of the EU Member States and Associated States in S&T&I cooperation with Third States. Furthermore, “good practice” models und “lessons learnt” in international S&T cooperation were collected and different strategies and initiatives were discussed.

A number of new reports is now available for download...

While the CREST working group’s first report on “Policy Approaches towards S&T Cooperation with Third Countries” had already been published in December 2007, several new reports were elaborated during the second phase and presented on April 2009: A general report on “Exploring synergies through coordinating policy measures between the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the European Commission” as well as three country reports analysing S&T cooperation with Russia, India and Brazil.

Among others, the working gave the reccomendation to

  • Develop an integrated concept for systematic and efficient information exchange about R&D policies of and R&D cooperation with Third Countries;
  • Develop appropriate measures (at EU level as well as in the Member States and Associated States to support the coordination of R&D marketing initiatives targeting at making the ERA better-known in Third Countries; and
  • To develop reliable and comparable indicators and instruments for the “impact assessment” of internationalisation of R&D.



Source: ITB Info-Service, May 15, 2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 18, 2009
Modified on May 18, 2009