News archive - Call for Participation: Annual RRPP conference "Ideology, Democracy and Social Change in the Western Balkans: Challenges for the Social Sciences"

An open call for younger researchers to participate at the annual RRPP conference in Ohrid has been launched. The conference takes place on June 26-27, 2009.

This is due to the fact that we have some free places left and would also like to attract researchers from  other countires from the region (the most participants will be coming from B&H and Macedonia), who might be good and interested but not included in the current networks we are aware of.

Furthermore, we would like to increase  participation in the Media, Gender and Economy workshops.


 26-27 June 2009, Ohrid (Macedonia)
"Ideology, Democracy and Social Change in the Western Balkans: Challenges for the Social Sciences"

Interested young researchers and scientists (MA and PhD candidates) from the Western Balkans region are invited to apply to participate at the RRPP Annual Conference 2009 that will take place in Ohrid (Macedonia) from 26 till 27 June 2009.

The objectives of the conference are to:

  • discuss the challenges, the contradictions and ambivalences of the transformation process with which social sciences areconfronted in the Balkans;
  • provide the RRPP partners at different levels with an opportunity to meet, network, present and discuss their research projects and ideas;
  • present the RRPP results and organise an annual review with most important actors.

Target Group

  • Researchers from the Western Balkans;
  • Established professors, experts and decision makers from the region and western Europe;
  • RRPP Implementation partners (training-providers,consultants, etc.).

The conference will follow a threefold structure (for details please have a look at the concept):

I  Keynote speeches by the experts dealing with the region and the transformation-relevant topics;
II Workshops on:

1."Nation and State Building in the Balkans"; (workshop full)
2. "Gender Discourses: Conflicting Ideologies and Social Policies"; (open for further participants)
3. "Media and Democracy in the Western Balkans: Between Burden of the Past and Challenges of the Future" (open for further participants) and
4. "Society in Transition: Economic Developments and Challenges" (open for further participants)

III Presentation of the workshops results and RRPP research projects 2009/2010.


Eligible applicants:

  • Young researchers from the Western Balkan countries;
  • MA or PhD candidates (especially women) conducting research in RRPP relevant fields, especially in the following: economics - social science perspective,media and gender studies.

All interested candidates should send their Curriculum Vitae and a short statement of interest (e-mail with reference to your current or planned research) to participate at one of the three workshops (Gender, Media or Economy) no later than 10 June 2009 through

The organisers reserve the right to limit the number of applicants accepted to participate at the conference. For those accepted, the University of Fribourg will cover travel and accommodation expenses.


Source: Internet and e-mail from organisers.

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Entry created by Elke Dall on June 2, 2009
Modified on June 2, 2009