News archive - [Event Announcement] X Triennial International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements

The X Triennial International Conference SAUM 2010 will be held at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, on November 10–12, 2010.

Deadline for Papers: May 30, 2010.

The objective of the conference is to gather professionals, experts, engineers, researchers and scientists from all areas of automatic control as well as from system theory and system engineering, measurements, computer science and informatics dealing with automatic control, in order to exchange experience, knowledge and discoveries, and to exchange experiences, views and results on the current and further development in industry, education, systems and control science and engineering.

Conference fees: 100 €, to be paid before October 15, 2010
Necessary prerequisite for publishing paper in the Proceedings of papers will be that conference fee is paid. Payment instructions will be sent to all authors of accepted papers.

Further information is available in the attached file and at

Source: Information by the organisers.

From: 10 November 2010
To: 12 November 2010

Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 27, 2010
Modified on May 27, 2010