News archive - Business Incubator project in Tetovo launched

On February 28, 2008, SEEU and FOSIM ("Foundation Open Society Institute in Macedonia") signed a contract marking the launch of the joint pilot project "Business Incubator in Tetovo", FYR of Macedonia.

The project is financially supported by FOSIM and SEEU, each investing 20.000 Euro, and aims to attract young ICT people, train and coach them in business skills, support and help them to establish own companies, connecting them with the business partners so that they can compete on the global market and make the ICT a leading industry in FYR of Macedonia.

The incubator shall become a good practice model for entrepreneurship and new firm creation in the region as an approach for developing promising new business ideas among well-educated youth.

The project will be implemented by the SEEU Business Development Centre in correlation with the YES Business Incubator in Skopje, and will be offered as an opportunity not only for SEEU students but also for other young people (18-30 years) in the Pollog region.

Source: SEEU website

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 1, 2008
Modified on March 12, 2008