News archive - [Event Announcement & CfA] International Workshop From Young Researchers to Future Discoveries: Apply Now!

The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences organises a dedicated workshop, aiming to encourage young researchers to create innovation. The invitation is open for outstanding young participants in Maths, Computer Science and Natural Sciences from South-East Europe, more especially from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and West Balkans. The FET Unit (Future and Emerging Technologies) at EC DG INFSO is a workshop co-organiser. The questionnaire for submitting abstracts focuses on innovation and breakthrough.

Abstracts from potential candidates to attend the workshop are requested till May 30, 2011.

The event takes place from September 19-21, 2011 in Kiten, Bulgaria.

The workshop invites 50-60 young researchers who are willing to share innovative ideas in their respective domains. The participants will be selected based on submitted informal “motivation letters” – abstracts containing short descriptions of novel views in some domain. It is assumed that the abstracts are reviewed by 4-5 internationally recognised and open-minded senior scientists. The accepted presentations will be grouped in 4-5 topics. All abstracts will be disseminated in advance to all participants. The workshop will integrate special topical sessions as well as joint discussions. The schedule is foreseen as follows:

  • 19 September 2011: Travelling in the morning, arrival early afternoon and ice-breaking session for all participants in the later afternoon;
  • 20 September 2011: Parallel working groups in the morning; communication of findings at a general meeting in the early afternoon; possible talks of 2-3 young researchers from running EC FET projects in the later afternoon;
  • 21 September 2011: Parallel working groups in the morning; general concluding session for all participants in the early afternoon; drafting research agenda in the later afternoon;
  • 22 September 2011: Departure day.

Programme Committe

Several internationally recognised, “open-minded” and very supportive senior scientists will review the submitted abstracts and will group them into 4-5 topics. The Programme Committee includes:

Important dates:

15 March 2011: Publishing the Call for Abstracts and a questionnaire (abstract template) for selection of young participants, using the experience of FET-questionnaires and the suggestions of the senior scientists. Dissemination of the questionnaire to Bulgarian academic organisations as well as academic organisations in South-East Europe: Romania, Turkey, and West Balkans countries.

30 May 2011: Receiving abstracts from potential candidates to attend the workshop

abstract details 

June 2011: Selection of attendees by the senior scientists and splitting them into 4-5 groups

July 2011: Sending invitations for participation in the workshop with presentation details, preliminary programme and other information

19-21 September 2011: Workshop


Organisers and further contacts: 

The workshop is organised by

  • the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and
  • the European Commission, DG Information Society & Media, Unit F2 - Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) - Open.

For details contact with Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Galia Angelova:

Workshop venue:
“Azure Sea” ( is a charming and isolated hotel, situated 3 km south of Kiten. The hotel is located in the Dolphin bay on the first line in calm and quiet surroundings. During the 4th week of September it offers excellent atmosphere of warm southern autumn and fresh sea air. The hotel is equipped with Internet connections and suitable conference facilities.

Financial considerations:
At the moment it is assumed that most of the young participants arrive at their own expenses and cover their transportation, accommodation and meals. Discounts are expected so attending the event will be relatively inexpensive. The organisers will search for opportunities to ensure some grants supporting the participation of several young researchers.

All details on workshop are available at:

The young researchers, who take part in the workshop, will receive certificates that their ideas were selected for presentation. The Book of Abstracts will be published and disseminated at the event.

Source: Euraxess BiH


Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 30, 2011
Modified on April 18, 2011