News archive - Event Announcement: PODIM - 28th Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: "The Power of Networking"
The Conference will be organised by the Institute for Entrepreneurship Research (IRP), the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments (JAPTI) and the University of Maribor.
21st century innovators are not to be searched for in the solitude of their workrooms but in networks and interactive models of open source innovation. At 28th PODIM, many organisations and individuals will meet to exchange ideas and experiences on their networking and learn from each other.
Some of the issues that 28th PODIM will address:
- Networking experience
- Participation in social networks and business advantage
- The importance of networking for acquiring funds and knowledge in European Research Area
- Web-based social networks: fashion trend or serious business need
- Importance of networking and social capital in knowledge society
- Networking and intellectual property rights
- Basic features of effective networking and most common mistakes
- Trust and networking
- Importance of networking for career development, searching for opportunities and deal-making
- Networking and open source innovation
- Networking tools
- Open and closed networks
- Networking in strategic alliances
- Science parks networks as a tool for globalization of technology based companies
- Business value of social networks
- Future of networks
- Investing in personal and business networks
Further information:
Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on March 3, 2008
Modified on March 3, 2008