News archive - Conference on 'Social sciences and humanities facing the climate change challenges'
A conference entitled 'Social sciences and humanities facing the climate change challenges' will take place in Paris, France, on September 22 and 23, 2008.
On the occasion of the French Presidency of the European Union, the conference's aim is to discuss the collective challenges associated with climate change in the context of such concepts as sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and the precautionary principle, governance of climate policy and international environmental agreements, and to make policy recommendations.
Leading scientists from the field of social sciences and humanities (SSH) will be present, as well as practitioners and the media. The building blocks for the conference are the following:
- providing general background on SSH contributions to issues of global environmental change (GEC);
- cases should be discussed where SSH have been successful in influencing both the common research agenda on GEC and political decision-making processes;
- cross-cutting themes' such as uncertainties/ambiguities, coupled socio-ecological systems, multi-level governance, and trans-disciplinary research as well as opportunities and challenges of science-policy;
- conclusions, identification of findings, new research questions and concrete next steps.
For further information, please visit:
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 29, 2008
Modified on July 29, 2008