News archive - Free Updated FP7 Book by Myer Morron Available for Download

Version 2.3 of Mr. Myer W. Morron’s FP7 Book is an update to the FP7 Book which follows on from the highly acclaimed FP5 and FP6 versions. The downloadable book continues to be free as it was in the previous framework programs. Is constantly updated and registered users are notified of important changes and updates by email...

The book is 247 pages long and covers subjects such as:

  • Background to changes in FP7
  • Overview of rules of participation
  • Benefits of participation in a Collaborative R&D project
  • Reasons not to participate
  • Brief Overview of Framework Program Seven and CIP
  • FP7 Funding Schemes (Types of Projects)
  • Framework Program Seven changes
  • Partner Search
  • Proposal preparation and submittal
  • What to do if your Proposal Fails
  • Project Roles
  • Financial Aspects
  • Use of External Consultants
  • What to do when your proposal is to be funded
  • Consortium Agreement
  • Problems during the project
  • Project Management
  • Project Ethics and Good Practice
  • European Technology Platforms
  • Ethical Considerations in FP7
  • SME Status
  • Intellectual Property Aspects and
  • How to write a proposal.

You may download the book at (upon free registration as a site user).

Source:, as accessed on Sept. 7, 2009.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 7, 2009
Modified on September 7, 2009