News archive - [Event Announcement] A Virtual Brokerage Event for KBBE 2011 Call

Bio-Net Project, a Network of BIO NCPs invites you to a Virtual Brokerage Event which will be organized during October 13-15, 2010 in order to create international networks and project consortia in the field of "KBBE - Knowledge based bio-economy". Broadly, KBBE addresses the following needs:

  • growing demand for safer, healthier, higher quality food;
  • sustainable use and production of renewable bio-resources;
  • increasing risk of epizootic and zoonotic diseases and food related disorders;
  • sustainability and security of agricultural, aquaculture and fisheries production;
  • increasing demand for high quality food, taking into account animal welfare and rural and coastal contexts and response to specific dietary needs of consumers

The Virtual Brokerage Event (VBE) is designed to help identifying research interests in the KBBE theme and aims to bring together all stakeholders and to build networks that could jointly apply for an R&D collaboration grant.

The FP7 KBBE Call 2011 has been opened in July 2010 with a deadline of 25 January 2011. The VBE will provide an opportunity for participants to meet potential international/local partners and foster R&D collaboration under this call.

Therefore, you are kindly invited to register/revise and specify your own interests in your profile/partner search via partner search section on the Bio-Net website:

  • “Partner Search” forms should be filled by the researchers who are planning to be a coordinator and looking for partners
  • “Expression of Interest” forms should be filled by the researchers who are planning to take part in a consortium and looking for coordinators

Experts from Bio-Net supported their national candidates to match profiles and contact potential partners among the profiles collected from 35 countries. You may select maximum 5 topics in line with your expertise.
For further information and/or clarification, please contact

Source: Bio-Net website

From: 13 October 2010
To: 15 October 2010

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on October 6, 2010
Modified on October 6, 2010