News archive - Workshop “Collaboration of Research and Industry” to be held in Split, Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek
The purpose of the workshops implemented by the Human Dynamics Consortium (Science and Innovation Investment Fund) in Croatia is to prepare the understanding on needs/possibilities for preparation and implementation of long-term network-based research and development and innovation diffusion projects of local, regional and national importance. The workshops will take place in Split (September 12, 2011), Zagreb (September 13, 2011 ) Rijeka (September 14, 2011 ) and Osijek (September 16, 2011 ).
Expected results:
- further enabling of the ideas on development of network-based K&TT service system
- understanding on profitability of network-based research and development projects
Registration conditions:
- a) workshops are open to all potential beneficiaries;
- b) number of participants at the event is limited to 50 persons;
- c) registration to workshops will be closed 3 working-days before the respective event and confirmation e-mail will be sent to registered participants;
- d) registration to event will be confirmed in order of registration.
Agenda for the workshops is attached below. Registration form is available here:
Source: SIIF (Science and Innovation Investment Fund) Croatia
- Croatia
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on September 8, 2011
Modified on September 8, 2011