News archive - Event Announcement: European University Association Meets in October

The EUA's 2007 Autumn Conference is a good occasion for institutional leaders such as rectors, vice rectors and heads of administration from the Western Balkan countries to meet and discuss with their peers about "The Governance of European Universities post 2010 : Mission Diversity, Autonomy and Accountability". Registration for the event hosted by the Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, from October 25-27, 2007 is now open.

The theme of the conference is “The Governance of European Universities post 2010 : Mission Diversity, Autonomy and Accountability”.

On the basis of key-note presentations and case studies from across Europe, the goals of the Wroclaw Conference will be to:

  • Discuss the rapidly changing relationship between universities and the state and the impact of these changes on institutional governance;
  • Investigate strategies for optimising institutional autonomy and ensuring accountability taking account of the overall European policy context and the ‘modernisation agenda’ for universities;
  • Identify ways in which university leaders can enhance their steering capacity using examples of good practice from across Europe.

More information: EUA Conference Website and

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 29, 2007
Modified on July 9, 2007