News archive - Sign Up Now as an Evaluator in FP7

Expert evaluators are at the heart of the FP7 system: They provide independent, impartial and objective advice to the European Commission and significant funding decisions are made on the basis of expert advice. Interested individuals and institutions can easily apply for inclusion in the EC's expert database via CORDIS.

Once registered as an expert, the EC approaches potential experts and asks them to act as an evaluator for a particular call. Typically, an individual will review six to eight proposals “remotely" and then spend a couple of days in Brussels, e.g. in order to participate in “hearings” with the consortia. Experts receive a reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs and 450 Euro honorarium per day.

Participation in the evaluation system is strictly based on confidentiality and additional terms and conditions as laid dow in the “appointment letter”.

For further information, please see the attached presentation (source: Leonardo Piccietti/Europe for Business; WINS -ICT).

Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 7, 2009
Modified on October 7, 2009