News archive - [Call for papers & Event Announcement] International Conference on Applied Paperless Freight Transport and Logistics
The 2012 e-Freight conference will be organised by EC funded projects all studying and creating solutions for the e-Freight areas of information exchange in planning, monitoring, invoicing, compliance and reporting for secure mulitmodal freight transport. These projects will also present themselves and their results on the conference.The e-Freight 2012 conference will be held on May 9-10, 2012 in Delft, the Netherlands. Deadline for submission of abstracts is February 23, 2012.
You are invited to submit an extended abstract of between 800 and 1000 words by 5pm GMT, Thursday 23rd of February 2012 by visiting the following link:
The abstract should be structured under the following headings: objective, methodology, findings, impacts of the research. It should be supplemented with 6 key words.
This is a scientific conference with special focus on the needs of business and the industry in Freight Transport and Logistics. A scientific committee will assess papers on the areas of
- eco-visibility,
- security,
- paperless transportation and
- multimodal transport management.
Notification of accepted papers will be sent to the selected authors by 15th March with a view to submitting the completed paper by 20th April 2012.
The presentations of approved papers will be supplemented by keynote speakers representing government authorities and innovative business. On the second day of the conference, parallel sessions will deliver insight into the latest scientific research and business projects and cater for round table discussions.
The event is a scientific conference combined with a business viewpoint. A scientific committee with representatives of Newcastle University, Technical University Delft, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, and City University London will assess papers on the areas of eco-visibility, security, paperless transportation and multimodal transport management. Presentations of approved papers will be combined with keynote speakers that represent government authorities and innovative businesses. On the second day of the conference, parallel sessions will deliver insight in the latest scientific research and business projects and cater for round table discussions.
Conference fees are £180 (€200) per person. There are no concessions. This includes entry to the conference, all meals and refreshments during the conference and the conference dinner on the evening of the 9th.
Further information is available here:
From: 9 May 2012
To: 10 May 2012
- International; Other
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on February 22, 2012
Modified on April 17, 2012