News archive - [Event Announcement] eChallenges e-2009 - Conference and Exhibition with WBC Networking Session
eChallenges e-2009, the nineteenth in a series of annual technology research conferences supported by the European Commission, will take place in Istanbul/Turkey from October 21-23, 2009.
The event regularly attracts over 650 delegates from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt and good practice in areas of applied Information Communication Technologies (ICT).
The comprehensive programme also includes an EU – Western Balkan Countries Brokerage & Networking Session focussing on issues such as "The EC ICT Research Policy with regards to the Western Balkan Countries", "Participation of Western Balkan Countries in EU ICT Research" and "Support to the FP7 Participation in the Western Balkan Countries (WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS)."
Further information is available in the event announcement.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: July 31, 2009.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 8, 2009
Modified on July 8, 2009