News archive - [Event Review] Bologna process Ministerial Summit Shapes Basis for the Future of Higher Education in Europe

Fourty-six Education Ministers met at the biennial Bologna Ministerial Summit in Belgium on April 28/29, 2009. They adopted a Communiqué entitled "The Bologna process 2020 - The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in the new decade" which is expetected to serve as the basis for the future of European higher education cooperation when the current framework ends in 2010.

Ministers agreed that beyond 2010, the Bologna process will be co-chaired by a country holding the EU presidency and a non-EU country. The next formal Ministerial Summit will take place in Romania in April 2012 with further meetings planned for 2015 and 2018.

The Communiqué adopted at the meeting underlines the importance of maintaining the existing stakeholder approach post 2010, which means that universities, students, business, in tandem with governments, will share responsibility for the development of future reforms and cooperation. It underlines the importance of increasing the quality and quantity of mobility in Europe, taking forward lifelong learning, and improving researcher careers.

All relavant documents can be obtained from: ,as accessed on May 13, 2009.

Bologna Global Policy Forum brings together decision-makers worldwide

For the first time as part of a Bologna Ministerial Summit, Ministers of education from the 46 European countries participating in the Bologna process were joined by Ministers or heads of delegation from 15 countries from Africa, Asia, America (North and South) and Australasia as part of the so-called "Bologna Policy Forum".

During the forum, which highlighted the growing interest in the Bologna process outside of Europe, participants took part in a debate on international higher education cooperation and partnership with a long-term view to developing and enhancing links between the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the rest of the world.

A statement adopted by all participants notes that all countries recognise the importance of public investment in higher education and its importance in sustainable economic recovery. It also underlined the importance of global sharing of knowledge, and the importance of a air recognition of studies and qualifications for enhancing mobility. Noting the commitment to long-term collaboration through for example the organisation of joint seminars, the Ministers agreed to hold a similar Forum during the next meeting in Vienna in March next year.

Source: EUA newsletter 09/2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 10, 2009
Modified on May 13, 2009