News archive - Latest developments in European Innovation Partnerships

The EC has published a staff working paper on the first experiences relating to governance and processes in the pilot European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in the area of Active and Healthy Ageing, which aims, by 2020, to enable citizens to live longer independently in good health by increasing the average number of healthy life years.

The paper provides a short introduction to the EIP and gives a detailed analysis of the proposed governance structure, focusing on lessons learned.

The working paper has been presented to the Competitiveness Council, who discussed the findings. There was general support of EIP developments from the majority of Member States. The AHA EIP‟s Strategic Innovation Plan is due to be presented to the Competitiveness Council in the coming months.
The EC has also recently published a new web page as part of the Innovation Union Information and Intelligence System, detailing progress towards developing the EIPs. This portal provides details on the latest developments in achieving each of the Innovation Union Commitments. The EC intends to launch proposals to start the preparatory work on three new EIPs towards the end of 2011. These are expected to cover the themes of raw materials, sustainable and productive agriculture, and water.

Further information

The Commission Staff Working paper on Active and Healthy Ageing Pilot EIP is available at:
The new web page on the Innovation Union Commitments is available at:

Source: UKRO

Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 10, 2011
Modified on November 9, 2011