News archive - Selected Open Calls
Please find below a selection of currently open calls which are of particular interst for the WBC, as published in the autumn 2009 issue of our print Journal. Information on further calls is available in our call section.
Second Call of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
The second call of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme will be launched on October 26, 2009. The programme area includes eight EU Member States, the accession candidates and potential candidates as well as Moldova and the Western part of the Ukraine.
In the area of innovation, the call is focused on line 1.3 of the programme: “Enhance the framework conditions and pave the way for innovation”, dedicated to setting up exchange and coordination mechanisms for research, technology and innovation approaches and policies (governance aspect) and to increase public awareness on the importance of technological progress and innovation developed through transnational actions in the area (awareness aspect).
Projects could include activities such as networking and exchange of information activities (stand-alone networking activities will not be supported), studies and operational plans, capacity building activities, promotional actions, the setup of services, preparation and conduction of investments etc. in the form of an adequate activity mix, which will produce visible outputs, assure the fulfilment of the proposed project objectives and contribute to the programme objectives.
The maximum contribution from the programme is 85%, the rest needs to be nationally co-financed.
The deadline for expressions of interest is already in November. In a second stage scheduled for spring 2010, selected applicants will be invited to submit their full proposals.
Unlocking and Developing the Research Potential of Research Entities Established in the EU´s Convergence Regions and Outermost Regions
FP7-REGPOT-2010-1 (Deadline: 17/12/2009, 17:00 CET)
Call budget: € 31,000,000.00
Similar to the REGPOT call specifically for Western Balkan countries (deadline was on October 15, 2009), this call focuses on stimulating the realisation of the full research potential of the enlarged European Union, especially in the EU's convergence regions and outermost regions, and on helping to strengthen the capacities of their researchers to successfully participate in research activities at the EU level. All WBCs are eligible along with a number of other regions. Highest quality or most promising research entities of significant size qualified in any S&T field within the scope of FP7 may apply (minimum participation: three organisations in three different states).
FP7 Capacities/Research Infrastructures
FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1 (Deadline: 3/12/2009, 17:00 CET)
FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2 (Deadline: 24/11/2009, 17:00 CET)
The overall objective of these calls is to optimise the use and development of the best research infrastructures. Furthermore, it aims at helping to create new research infrastructures of pan-European interest in all fields of S&T.
FP7 Capacities/Research for the Benefit of SMEs (all research fields)
FP7-SME-2010-1 (Deadline: 3/12/2009, 17:00 CET)
This programme aims at enhancing the research and innovation capacities of European SMEs, which have little or no research capacities themselves and have to outsource research to specialised RTD-performers.
FP7 People/Marie Curie
FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG (Deadline: 31/12/2009, 17:00 CET)
Researchers, who have been active in research in a third non-associated country for at least three years, may apply for a reintegration grant in liaison with a(n) (re)integration host organisation located in an EU Member State or Associated Country.
FP7-PEOPLE-2009-ITN (Deadline: 31/12/2009, 17:00 CET)
Initial Training Networks, built on a joint research training programme in defined scientific areas, aim at improving early-stage researchers' career prospects in both the public and private sectors through a transnational networking mechanism.
FP7 Cooperation/Transport
FP7-SST-2010-RTD-1 (Deadline: 14/01/2010, 17:00 CET)
FP7-TRANSPORT-2010-TREN-1 (Deadline: 14/01/2010, 17:00 CET)
These calls aim at developing integrated, safer, “greener” and “smarter” pan-European transport systems for the benefit of all citizens, society and climate policy as well as at developing the competitiveness attained by the European industries in the global market.
IPA Adriatic Crossborder Cooperation Programme
First call for ordinary project proposals (Deadline: 29/10/2009)
The objective of this programme, involving regions on both shores of the Adriatic Sea, is to provide funding and support for economic, social and institutional cooperation, natural and cultural resources and risk prevention, and accessibility and networks. Further information:
- European Union (EU 27)
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 23, 2009
Modified on October 23, 2009