News archive - SEAS-NET Conducts Survey on Marine Infrastructures

The SEAS-NET Black sea platform, an FP7-funded network project with a general aim to enhance marine and maritime research in its entireness, is currently conducting a survey on marine infrastructures in the Black Sea region.

SEAS-NET Black sea platform is one of the regional working groups within the pan-European network. The task of this package is to deliver a common strategies and programmes for the Black Sea basin communicating specific needs and problems. There are 4 major milestones set, more specifically:

1. Develop a Science plan for the Black Sea basin and based on it;
2. Build up common programme and joint call;
3. Record the existing marine research infrastructure and benchmark it at EU level; and
4. Assess and improve the existing instruments for building up human resource capacities within the region.

Survey on Marine Infrastructures

The project's survey aims at collecting data on the existing marine research infrastructures and to monitor the upgrade of existing facilities.

Data will be published in an integrated internet data base and will serve to the scientific community; policy-makers; programme owners; business community and society.

To participate in the survey, please go to:

Please note that you must first register by entering your personal respondent profile.

Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 28, 2011
Modified on March 30, 2011