News archive - Lead Market Initiative Supports Networks of Public Procurers to Help Stimulate Innovation
The EC's Lead Market Initiative supports three new trans-national public procurement networks will soon help public organisations acquire the latest cutting-edge goods and services lead markets have to offer. Each network - two of the networks will focus their activities on the sustainable construction theme and the third will be devoted to protective textiles - will receive about 1 million Euro funding.
This is the first time the European Commission has funded specialised procurement networks dedicated to innovation. Although public procurement represents around 16% of the EU’s GDP, it is only recently that its potential as a stimulator of innovation has been recognised, in particular under the Lead Market Initiative.
The Lead Market Initiative for Europe
The Lead Market Initiative is the European policy for six important sectors, Oselected on the basis of intense stakeholder consultations, that are supported by actions to lower barriers to bring new products or services onto the market. In this initiative, the European Commission, Member States and industry work together to carry out the action plans for
- eHealth
- sustainable Construction
- protective Textiles
- bio-based products
- recycling and
- renewable energies.
For each market, a plan of actions for the next 3-5 years has been formulated. The European citizens will benefit both from the positive impact on growth and employment (the identified areas could represent three million jobs and 300 billion EUR by 2020) and from the access to enhanced goods and services of high societal value.
Source/link to the full text: DG Enterprise.
- European Union (EU 27)
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 6, 2009
Modified on October 6, 2009