News archive - Call for Papers on "Welfare and Well-Being in Post-Socialist Europe"

The 2010 issue of the Croatian Economic Survey , to be published by the Institute of Economics in Zagreb, Croatia in April 2010,will focus on "Welfare and Well-Being in Post-Socialist Europe".

The editors are calling for submissions of papers by December 1, 2009.


The notion of welfare is usually identified with the level of income, while the concept of well-being captures additional aspects of the quality of life (such as health, education, job satisfaction, quality of social services and public goods, political freedoms, social relations, etc.).

Twenty challenging years of transition to a market economy in post-socialist Europe were characterised by a strong output contraction at its very beginning and an increase in average income but also a rise in inequalities, social costs and tensions. Thus, the transformation of former socialist economies towards market-oriented ones has strongly affected both the welfare and well-being of citizens. These effects have been of different magnitudes and sometimes in
opposite directions.

The 2010 issue of Croatian Economic Survey aims to collect research papers that evaluate the above mentioned topics either from a cross-country or individual country's perspective or develop new approaches for a better understanding of these phenomena.

Due to the complexity of the subject, contributions should not be limited solely to the field of economics, so a broader scope from other disciplines is also encouraged.

Contacts: Maja Vehovec (Editor); Josip Šipic' (Executive editor) - E-mail:,


Source: E-mail from the editors.

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • European Union (EU 27)

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 2, 2009
Modified on November 2, 2009