News archive - ATA searches for international reviewers

Academic Training Association invites international researchers (with academic experience both in- and outside the Western Balkans), to review a research proposal and report on "Skills needs analysis in the Western Balkans" in the context of its Regional Private Sector Development (PSD) project in the Western Balkans.

The research on "Skills needs analysis in the Western Balkans" is implemented by four agencies from Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this project is to promote partnership as an instrument for achieving a developed system of continuous vocational training at regional and national levels. This research will focus on the first step in achieving this goal: skills needs analyses (SNA) in different sectors of the national and regional economy. The results of such analyses would be more clearly defined work competences, which include vocational (technical) and generic or key competences and attitudes which are demanded by employers in different sectors. As such the results will indicate the kind of training programs which should be designed in order to equip the labour force with the desirable work competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes).

The role of the international reviewer is to:

  • review and comment on the research proposal and to give recommendations on how to improve the proposal;
  • review and comment on the draft research report and give recommendations on how to improve the report;
  • be ready to assist the implementing partners during the research implementation.

ATA offers a modest remuneration of 500 Euros to the international reviewer.

Please submit your application (or any queries) before March 12, 2007 to (Reference: PSD International reviewer).

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 10, 2007
Modified on March 12, 2007