News archive - [Event Announcement] Information Day on "Europe Innova" calls

An information meeting on the INNOVA Call for proposals "EuropeINNOVA-ENT-CIP-09-C-N01S00" (Europe INNOVA -  European Innovation Platforms for transnational cluster cooperation, knowledge-intensive services, eco-innovation and the promotion of novel tools and service concepts for innovation support" has taken place in Brussels on December 17, 2008 from 10:00 to 13:00.

Europe INNOVA is oriented towards the development and testing of new practical innovation support services for SMEs, notably start-ups, delivered in the field by platforms of partnerships between European innovation professionals in view of their wider application. The overall objective is to accelerate innovation processes and thus to facilitate the commercialisation of innovative products and services.

The minutes of the information day are now available for download (see attachment below).

For further details on the "INNOVA" programme, please have a look at the following documents: 

Guide for applicants: eINNOVA_GuideForApplicants.pdf

Model grant agreement:

Explanatory note

EPSS User Guide (to submit a proposal, co-ordinators have first to register with the
Electronic Proposal Submission Service - EPSS):

Final date for submission: 12 February 2009, 16.00h, Brussels time.


Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on January 7, 2009
Modified on December 12, 2008