News archive - Call for Application: 5th Cultural Policy Research Award 2008

The call for applications is open for applications till May 23, 2008. Young researchers in the field of cultural policy can received 10,000 by applying for this award.

The European Cultural Foundation, the Riksbankens Jublileumsfond and the European Network of Cultural Administration and Training Centres (ENCATC) call for applications for the 5th Cultural Policy Research Award 2008.

Designed to stimulate academic and applied cultural policy research and to explore, through comparative cross-national research, issues at stake in contemporary Europe, and possibly anticipate new cultural policy orientations, the Cultural Policy Research Award (CPRA) has the ambition to contribute to the process of creating an 'infrastructure', a network of scholars who are competent in doing comparative research projects in cultural policy.

Open to young - 35 or under - academics, researchers and policymakers from all European countries, the Award was launched for the first time in 2004 and has been running as a pilot project for four years (2004-2007). Issues covered so far range from the raison d'être of a European cultural policy, creative industries in South-East Europe, comparison of trends in funding, governance and organizational structure of live classical music organizations, and issues of diversity and the commodification of culture in the cultural industries (focus on architecture, fashion and music).

Applications must be submitted through the online application form. Before applying, candidates are strongly advised to consult the website for advice on how to prepare their applications.

The winner of the CPR Award 2008, worth Euro 10,000, will be publicly announced on October 16, 2008 at the International ENCATC Annual Conference taking place in Lyon, France.

More information:

Source: impact newsletter issue no. 64

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 13, 2008
Modified on April 14, 2008