News archive - New Calls in the Marie Curie Scheme

On February 28, 2007 several new calls were published in the "People" scheme of the Seventh Framework Programme. The activities include:

The European Commission also published a new 12-page summary of the Marie Curie Actions.

Researchers from the Western Balkan countries are eligible to the Marie Curie Actions depending on the Association Status (for definitions see /news/1035.html).

The International Incoming Fellowships are directly targeting researchers from third countries to do research in the Member States / Associated countries.
International Outgoing Fellowships are targeting researchers from Member States and Associated countries - doing research in a third country and then returning.
In Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways projects, associated states are eligible together with a partner from the EU 27.
Intra-European Fellowships help researchers from Member States and Associated countries in their carreer development.

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 3, 2007
Modified on March 13, 2007