News archive - IPA Benefits Research Infrastructure

On March 4-5, 2008, the Slovenian presidency organised a conference on research infrastructures and their structuring effect within the European Research Area. In focus was also the usefulness of the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA ) for research capacity building.

In general, the conference was aiming to demonstrate that research infrastructure is very important for Europe's competitiveness. From the different presentations and interventions it could be retained that establishing infrastructure in Europe is complex but worthwhile. Above all, it requires substantial investment and hence, different sources of finance are necessary. For Member States, the Structural Funds (SF) for the period 2007-2013 foresee a necessary investment of about 99 billion euro to support R&D capacity building, including ICT. This is a major step forward and a success, compared to what was possible under the SF in the previous period.
The European Commission represented by Tania Friederichs (DG Research, International Cooperaton Directorate) took advantage of this conference to present the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) of which the beneficiaries are the enlargement countries (all Western Balkan Countries and Turkey). She recommended examining closely the different possibilities under IPA that could be used to strengthen the research capacity. Member States that had experience with using SF for research capacity and in particular their neighbouring Member States (Slovenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece) should assist the enlargement countries in this process, as this would benefit both, the region and Europe's competitiveness.
The possibilities under IPA, of which the main purpose is to assist in complying with the Copenhagen criteria, are limited. But with some creativity and good internal planning and programming, IPA does offer possibilities to support research capacity. This was certainly the case for the part on regional competitiveness, where it could be used to support regional centres of competence on important areas for the region and Europe, such as on environment, public health or energy efficiency.

Attaining research infrastructure step by step
It is important that research infrastructure does not only comprise large infrastructure facilities but also smaller facilities, within universities and research institutes, which could be supported. As explained by Manfred Horvat, the so-called stairway case approach should again be considered, which means that research infrastructure should be attained step by step. In doing so all possible financial support should be used. There should be active consideration of how IPA can be used for research infrastructure. The idea of having a workshop to examine closer the possibility of using IPA for research capacity was immediately taken up by Commissioner Potocnik in the closing speech.

This idea launched in Slovenia should be followed up quickly. As discussed at the meeting in Thessaloniki, the Steering Platform for Research can play an important role in this exercise.

Tania Friederichs
European Commission DG Research

Entry created by Tania Friederichs on April 30, 2008
Modified on May 4, 2008