News archive - RCC Published Services on Regional Initiatives in SEE
During the first quarter of 2011, Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat (RCC or Secretariat) conducted a survey of regional initiatives (RIs) operating within, and directed towards, the countries of South East Europe.
The survey was carried out in cooperation with the Chairmanship-in-Office of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), the SEECP Troika and the European Union in order to provide an overview of the regional cooperation landscape in SEE and assess possible actions to support institutional strengthening, fundraising, networking and streamlining of regional initiatives.
In total, 36 questionnaires were sent to regional initiatives during late 2010 and beginning of 2011, with 30 filled-out questionnaires (over 83 per cent) being returned by mid March 2011. The RIs were surveyed on general and institutional aspects, funding, projects and actions, and regional coordination activities and needs.
This paper attempts to summarize the initial analysis of questionnaires received for the purposes of informing the discussion at the Regional Coordination Conference organized by the RCC on March 30-31 in Brussels (see link below).
Elvira Ademovic, Assistant to the Expert Pool, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 29, 2011
Modified on March 28, 2011