News archive - Event Announcement: Conference on Energy management in the cities and counties in Croatia

The first Working Conference on energy management in the cities and counties in Croatia is taking place on May 12-14, 2008 in Split.

The conference is being organised by:
Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, Ministry of Finance, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Split-Dalmatia County, Association of Cities of the Republic of Croatia, together with the United Nations Development Program and HEP-ESCO.

The purpose of the conference is:

  • Stimulating energy management on the local level
  • Initiating activities for energy efficiency improvement in local self-administration
  • Exchange of knowledge, experiences and measures from the practice of European and Croatian cities
  • Stimulating energy efficiency projects funding through presenting funding models
  • Adopting The Mayors’ and County Prefects’ Energy Charter

The Conference target groups are:
City Mayors, County Prefects, Heads of city and county offices, local development and energy agencies


Conference participants may register on-line at

Organizers sponsor participation at the conference for all participants. No cotization needed.

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on March 28, 2008
Modified on March 28, 2008