News archive - Have Your Say on EU Financial Rules
As part of its second revision of the financial rules for EU-funded programmes, the European Commission has launched a public consultation inviting beneficiaries and managers of public funds to send in their views on how to make the rules for grants and contracts more effective for everyone (deadline: December 18, 2009).
The open consultation is an opportunity for all interested parties to share their practical experience so the Commission can, among other things, improve access to grants and simplify its own handling of financial files.
Drawing on the Commission’s own experience, the consultation paper highlights key areas that concern fund beneficiaries. The first looks at improving the process of public calls for proposals in the award of grants. Experience here has shown that procedures are often too long and cumbersome. The consultation is an opportunity to express opinions and suggest concrete improvements.
The paper also raises a series of questions such as: should the rules on co-financing requirements for the recipients of EU grants be more flexible? Would the introduction of performance-based grants (i.e. based on results rather than on reimbursement of costs) make life easier for everyone? Or what about loosening up the current non-profit rule, where EU grants at the moment cannot generate any top-up revenue for beneficiaries?
Furthermore, the Commission will be examining ways to adapt the current financial rules so as to ensure effective project management, as well as maintaining a high level of protection for tax payers' interests.
Go to the EU public consultation website to participate in the Public Consultation:
Source: Rapid Press Release, October 19, 2009.
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 4, 2009
Modified on November 4, 2009