News archive - Conclusions of the EC council on the future of European research and research-based innovation
The Council has recently adopted conclusions on guidance on the future priorities for European research and research-based innovation. These draw on a number of key European Research Area (ERA) policies and provide a concise chronological summary of the main policy developments over the last year. The conclusions state that a limited set of ambitious targets should be considered in the context of the post-2010 EU strategy for competitiveness and growth and for the implementation of the ERA.
It goes on to suggest the activities that are required to meet the challenges of improving the governance of the ERA, which include: the further consolidation and development of collaborative tools for enhancing research for industry and SMEs; key emerging technologies; basic research; cross-border co-operation; easier access to finance; and the development of research infrastructures.
The conclusions go on to recommend that, during 2010, the EC should conduct an interim evaluation of ERA-related instruments alongside the FP7 interim evaluation and undertake foresight activities to identify grand challenges and priorities for research and innovation in future.
Further information
The Council conclusions on guidance on future priorities for European research and research-based
innovation are available at:
Source: UKRO
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on December 22, 2009
Modified on December 22, 2009