News archive - Public Consultation on the eHealth Action Plan for 2012-2020

The European Commission has been investing in eHealth research for over 20 years. Since 2004, it has been developing targeted policy initiatives aimed at fostering widespread adoption of eHealth technologies across the EU. A public consultation is now open until May 25, 2011.

In 2010, the flagship initiatives Digital Agenda for Europe and Innovation Union were launched as part of the EU's "Europe 2020" strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Both flagships incorporate an important role for eHealth: the Digital Agenda for Europe includes a number of targeted eHealth actions and goals as part of a wider strategy towards sustainable healthcare and ICT-based support for dignified and independent living. The Innovation Union strategy, introduces the concept of a pilot European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing, which will be launched in 2011.

Questionaire open to all interested stakeholders

The consultation questionnaire forms part of the European Commission's official public consultation process. Wide consultation is one of the Commission’s duties according to the Treaties and helps to ensure that proposals put to the legislature are sound. By fulfilling its duty to consult, the Commission ensures that its proposals are technically viable, practically workable and based on a bottom-up approach. This serves a dual purpose by helping to improve the quality of the policy outcome and at the same time enhancing the involvement of interested parties and the public at large.

The questionnaire is open to all interested stakeholders and aims at understanding if the proposed policy objectives are in line with the aims, objectives and expectations of stakeholders. It further aims to examine if there are additional areas which require further development in the context of the action plan.

The public consultation is open for 8 weeks (from 31st March to 25th May 2011 16:00 Brussels time). Following this, the results of the consultation will be analysed, published on this page, and taken into consideration in drafting a policy document setting out an Action plan for eHealth, which is planned to be adopted by the Commission in 4Q 2011.

The Commission invites all interested parties to submit their contributions in response to the questions raised in the questionnaire.

The systems allows you to work online during 90 minutes and closes automatically (be aware that in such case no recovery is possible) so, to get an overview of- and to prepare your answers to the questionnaire you can download the pdf version from the Consultation page (top right).

III. eHealth Action Plan – overall objectives

The proposed action plan will run from 2012 until 2020, mirroring the timeline of Europe 2020, the Digital Agenda for Europe and Innovation Union.

The overall policy objectives of the initiative are: to continue to support Member States and healthcare providers so that they may benefit from ICT solutions in the best interest of patients, healthcare systems and society; to help enable an innovation friendly environment and to make best use of innovation in health. In addition, eHealth Action Plan shall ensure the successful achievement of objectives of the Digital Agenda[4] and European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. To achieve such overall policy objectives at EU level, the Commission plans to work to:

1. Increase awareness of the benefits and opportunities of eHealth, and empower citizens, patients and healthcare professionals
2. Address issues currently impeding eHealth interoperability
3. Improve legal certainty for eHealth
4. Support innovation and research in eHealth and development of a competitive European and global market.

The questions outlined in the questionnaire have been organised under these four objective.



Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 18, 2011
Modified on May 18, 2011