News archive - Marie Curie international fellowships: 'People' calls for proposals published

The European Commission has published three calls for proposals for the People programme under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) with the deadline of August 19, 2008.

The calls relate to:

  • International incoming fellowships: This action encourages top class researchers from third countries to work on research projects in Europe, with a view to developing mutually beneficial research cooperations between Europe and third countries.
  • International outgoing fellowships: This action offers European researchers the opportunity to be trained and to acquire new knowledge in a third country high-level research organisation, and subsequently return to an organisation in a Member State or Associated Country.
  • Intra-European fellowships: This action supports experienced researchers at various stages of their career, helping them in acquiring new research skills (multi or interdisciplinary) or to undertake intersectoral experiences.

Further information:
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 22, 2008
Modified on March 30, 2008