News archive - EUA: Balkan Universities invited to participate in EUDIS project

At the beginning of 2009, the European University Association (EUA) launched the project EUDIS (European Universities Diversifying Income Streams).

EUDIS aims at mapping the status of income diversification in European universities and seeks to provide useful examples of best practices. It will promote the institutional perspective on the topic of funding, with a view to informing national and European policy makers of how best to facilitate a sensible diversification of income streams. It will offer a unique opportunity, in these uncertain times of economic downturn, to ensure that the universities’ voice is heard.

This project will also provide crucial information on the state of play of the sustainability of research funding; therefore, having participating institutions from the western Balkan countries is very important to provide this information on a Europe wide level.

Further information on this project:

Importantly, this project’s main part is the launch of a survey open to all universities across Europe. This survey is open until 10 September and EUA is very much looking forward to having input from Balkans universities, which real situation is often not very well known by European policy-makers. The survey can be accessed from the link above.

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Entry created by Elke Dall on June 3, 2009
Modified on June 3, 2009