News archive - ERC Grant awarded to Croatian Scientist at EPFL
The ERC has bestowed a starting grant onto Prof. Aleksandra Radenovic (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institute of Bioengineering), for the project "Nanopore integrated nanoelectrodes for biomolecular manipulation and sensing".
After completing her Diploma in Physics at the University of Zagreb in 1999, Prof. Radenovic came to the University of Lausanne to do a PhD in Physics.
Prof. Radenovic completed a Post-Doc in the University of California Berkeley in 2007, and was Visiting Scientist at the Institute Bethesda and HHMI Janelia Farm USA before returning to Switzerland as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Institute of Bioengineering in 2008.
- Croatia
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on November 27, 2010
Modified on November 27, 2010