News archive - Event Announcement: JRC Autumn School on Knowledge Assessment Methodologies

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) will hold an Autumn School on knowledge assessment methodologies in Novi Sad, Serbia, from October 1 to 5, 2007.

The school will present state-of-the-art tools and methods for addressing policy-related knowledge in extended decision-making processes. Lectures by experts will cover methodologies for engaging a wide range of social actors, dealing with complexity, uncertainty, values and framings.

Target audience: policy makers, administrators, practitioners and stakeholders in socio-political issues in which technosciences are involved (planning, environment, urban development, transport and energy...)
A limited number of places are available for NGO’s members and researchers in interfaces between science, society and policy making.

Deadline for Application: August 20, 2007

Further information:

CORDIS Events,

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 6, 2007
Modified on July 6, 2007