News archive - [Event Announcement] 'Europe: Where knowledge has no borders'

A conference on the topic of 'Europe: where knowledge has no borders' will be held on October 5, 2010 in Brussels,  highlighting the advantages of researcher mobility and international cooperation for career enhancement and economic growth as well as the contribution of the Euraxess initiative to the Innovation Union plan. NB: Participation is by invitation only.

The event will start off with the presentation of Commissioner for Research Mire Geoghegan-Quinn appear in the form of a hologram. This will be followed by a chance to meet AIBO the robot dog, see a car without a driver and a solar-powered aeroplane.

Attendees will get the latest insights about the plans to transform Europe into an 'Innovation Union'. Part of the Europe 2020 strategy bringing together research, education, finance and intellectual property with a holistic approach aimed at promoting sustainable growth and jobs. The Innovation Union plan commits the EU to boost investments in research and to increase Europe's appeal to both researchers and industry.

230 participants are expected, including policy makers, researchers, representatives from business and industry, from research institutes, non-governmental organisations, public authorities, academia and media.

Venue: Claridge Centre, Brussels

Contact person:For further information, please visit:

Date: 5 October 2010 from to

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 20, 2010
Modified on September 21, 2010