News archive - Bosnia and Herzegovina Soon Participating in FP7

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is committed to participate in the 7th Framework Programme in order to enable its private companies, public organisations and individual researchers to actively participate in FP7 programmes and projects.

It is expected that the Memorandum of Understanding associating BiH to FP7 will be signed soon as the commitment to participate in FP7 has been confirmed during a session of the Council of the Ministries of BiH, held on January 24, 2008.

Soon this initial information shall be completed with some additional input from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH. Thus, Bosnian Herzegovinian researchers will be participating in FP7 on equal footing as of January 2009.

Alma Hasanovic´
Ministry of Civil Affairs

Entry created by Alma Hasanovic on April 30, 2008
Modified on May 4, 2008